![]() ![]() Dear Readers,
I just now finished reading Second Draft of My Life while I was sitting next to the pull-out chopping block in our kitchen. When closing the book, I announced to my husband: I'm off to write a fan letter. Never done this before. I found your book by serendipity last Thursday. My son (newly 5) and I go to the library once a week to check out train videos. I saw your book The Answer is Yes, read its blurb, and decided it was for me. It was. On Tuesday we visited the library again. I returned home, the victor, with Second Draft. I read all but the last two chapters last night. Tonight, when I finish exuding here, I'm starting But I Love You Anyway. I'm a jr. high English teacher (19 years) and am taking a leave this year. Your observations regarding teaching are true to life; that's why I'm on leave. Your books hit a chord with me. My two children were adopted, and my daughter's birth mother was adopted. I chuckled/marveled at the connection in The Answer is Yes. Surely some challenges await me in the future with my six-year-old daughter. Your book made me think about about how I might deal with her questions/attitudes then. I like how you presented adoption. You researched it well and her experiences rang true. Like all good books, it will soon be kept and reread. -Deb
The first part of December, I announced to my 27-year-old daughter, who lives in San Diego, that I was finished with my 30-year career in insurance and that I was going to go back to school to get my teaching degree; I want to teach elementary school; I'm worried that the English language, in all its beauty, power and structure, is going to be lost if we don't take the time to teach young people to read. I'm 52 years old and it's time I did what I wanted to do. Lo and behold—guess what one of my Christmas gifts was (the other 2 were books also)... Second Draft of My Life—I just finished it and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Thank you for writing it!!! -Pat
I am so excited to be writing to you. I found a copy of The Best of Good at a used bookstore recently and it consumed me. I was so excited to find an author like you, that I wanted to contact you, and thank you. I recently opened my own restaurant, and it is SO overwhelming, and somehow, finding and reading that book did so much for me. So anyway, thanks, and I can't wait to go out and buy each and every thing you have ever written! -Cindy
I just read Second Draft of My Life and felt the same as I did after seeing "Field of Dreams." Which is a great thing!
Dearest Sara,
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I've just discovered you/your books, and I just love them! Your subjects, characters, and writing style speak to me in an amazing way, and I am always sad when I get to the last page.
I just finished Second Draft of My Life. I have never written to an author, but I noticed that you have a website. My burning question is... have you ever been an elementary school teacher? I have taught third grade for 8 years and I was amazed at your insight and honesty. When I read the back of the book, I knew I would either love it or hate it depending on whether or not the teacher experience was realistic, and needless to say I loved it. People who don't teach romanticize the profession like every moment is so rewarding, when really there are very rewarding moments every so often, like when Charlotte realizes she feels love for Seth, with a lot of frustrating moments in between and of course many many headaches! I particularly enjoyed this story because Charlotte is a writer who becomes a teacher, thinking teaching will be easier than writing, and I am a teacher who fantasizes about being a writer, thinking if I could just buckle down and write something, it would be published and I would be a wealthy, successful, famous author. I now know otherwise. I know I was meant to teach, not that I'll never try writing, but this book made me think! Thank you! I could go on but I know you've gotten lots of similar letters. I am just dying to know whether this excellent depiction just came to you or if you researched it or had some prior experience. I can't wait to read the rest of your books!
I just finished The Best of Good and I have to say it is one of my all time favorite books I have read. It was recommended from an online bookclub I joined recently here in Los Angeles thru the library contact. I am sooo glad I signed up. I just wanted to let you know what a gifted author I think you are. I look forward to reading your other books. I started The Best of Good this morning at home and finished it at work tonight. It was great! It was the first book I have read of yours, but I plan to read the others.
Sara—I have determined that, much like chocolate, your books are addicting. I can't get my housework done! I made the mistake of starting But I Love You Anyway. Maybe I need to put it in a Ziploc bag and in the freezer downstairs until I get the cleaning done. That works for chocolate, right? Well, sometimes? Sortta?
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your novels. My mother recently discovered The Best of Good and shared that lovely book with me. Since then, we have read almost all of your novels, and can't get enough of your characters and their stories. I just finished Second Draft of My Life and shed a couple of tears of joy at the end. Thanks so much for giving us such a wonderful reading experience! I can't really pick a favorite, because they all have touched me in a unique way.
I've just finished reading Second Draft of My Life—in 2 days, staying up late and skipping school to read.
Okay, I've never written a letter like this. I have just finished your latest novel. I think Good will stay inside of me for a very long time. When I finally stopped crying (the last few chapters tore me open) all I could think of was... how does someone do this; with words; to hold me so close—to feel so much with the simple placement of words. Thank you for knowing how to do this.
Just discovered you! Read Second Draft of My Life without putting it down except to sigh to my husband that I would miss everyone when the story ended. So many layers of meaning and so much humor. Thank you! I look forward to reading the others.
Yesterday I read all of your novel, Second Draft of My Life. I loved it; thank you.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago to tell you how much I have loved Second Draft of My Life, because I am a teacher and the similarities between 7th and 1st grade were funny.
Thank you for all your amazing novels! Your ability to capture what it is truly like to be the character without all the unnecessary fluff, sets your novels apart. I am involved in the character by page 1 and feel invested by page 10.
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your books. I just finished The Best of Good, and did not want it to end. I actually laughed out loud a few times, and felt so good when I read it. I loved the characters. I also enjoyed Heart Conditions, and The Answer is Yes, and I am about to start Second Draft of My Life. Please continue to write! It is a pleasure to read your books. Thank you.
I'm 42, just made a big career change about 2 years ago—and have never married—broke up with the guy I was dating because he didn't want to get married. Do I know you? Why are you writing books about me? Haha—only kidding. I'm about halfway thru Second Draft of My Life and loving it—can't wait to finish and read your others! Keep up the good work.
Finished Second Draft of My Life last night—LOVED IT! Will look forward to your other novels and the new one coming out.
I'm not in the habit of writing fan letters, but I just finished Second Draft of My Life, visited your website, and just had to write. I so enjoyed it; I've read all your other books too and loved them all. Thank goodness for Amazon, they're not always that easy to get hold of on the High Street here! Charlotte seemed such a real person, I can't believe I won't be spending any more time with her. Anyway, thank you; it was great.
I just finished reading your book Second Draft of My Life. I absolutely loved it. I am a 39-year-old mother who has just returned to teaching, and I found your words of wisdom to be very helpful in my classroom. I especially liked your point about choosing which parts of your personality to show to your classroom, and other people, for that matter. It has helped me to conduct my life differently. A co-worker recommended your book to me, and we had fun talking about it in the few seconds that we have in-between kid activities. We only wished we could buy Charlotte's simple little book of life lessons! We both copied down "Start" and "Keep Going" and have posted it on our refrigerators. I am the ultimate procrastinator, and I think your words will help. Thank you for such a great book. I am going to recommend it to my family and friends.
It is 11:30 at night and I just finished reading Second Draft of My Life. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your writing and your books. I work at a small (soon last of its kind) independent bookstore in Pacific Palisades, California and I make sure we stock your books and I hand sell them. I guess I just wanted to reassure you (because of the despair your character Charlotte feels) that your books are read, and loved and appreciated.
Thank you for your wonderful books, Dear Sara Lewis! I'm a big fan. (Though Second Draft of My Life is awfully close to home, midlist author that I am. I've never taught elementary school). I started reading your books when I lived in San Diego, and though I'm back east now, I always feel at home in your worlds.
I sat down with The Best of Good last evening and didn't put it down until I had savored each word!
Dear Ms. Lewis,
Since I've been home sick and virtually bedridden (this flu-thing is a killer), I've been sailing through your books, and enjoying them sooo much. Love your characters! I really feel I know them. there's a lightness about your books, quotidian life and humor, and then whammo! there's a kernel of gravitas, something really important for everyone's life. I love how it sneaks up on you. Brava!
Hi, I'm a 16-year old Sara Lewis from New Zealand. I was born here but was brought up in Singapore for twelve years and went to a British school. Funnily enough, I want to be a writer. I'll have to come up with another name to publish under... I was thinking S.C. Lewis, seeing as my middle name is Charlotte. Then people might mistake me for C.S. Lewis and buy my books. Talk about a marketing strategy!
I have never read your books, but my name is Sara Lewis too! I am 11 years old. I found your website on an acsident. I typed in my name and there you were. I never thought anyone had the same name as me but now I do since I read your last paragraph in about Sara. For fun I race go-carts, I guess your job is writing books you probably write for fun too.
Text © 1992-2007 by Sara Lewis. Sarah Lewis |